Insulation Pins are widely used in the following fields:

The construction industry plays an important role in the external wall insulation, roof insulation, and internal wall sound insulation of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. For example, in residential buildings in cold regions, the Insulation Pins in the external wall insulation system ensure the stability of insulation materials, improve indoor comfort, and reduce heating energy consumption.


Industrial equipment insulation: used for insulation and fixation of various industrial pipelines, storage tanks, boilers and other equipment. In the petrochemical industry, the insulation layer of high-temperature pipelines relies on insulation nails to maintain stability and prevent heat loss and personnel burns.

HVAC system: In the insulation of air conditioning ducts and water pipes, Insulation Pins ensure the position of insulation materials, improve the efficiency of the air conditioning system, and reduce energy loss.

Ship and Ocean Engineering: The insulation of ship cabins, decks, and pipelines all rely on the fixation of insulation nails. Due to the unique nature of the marine environment, there is a high demand for the corrosion resistance of insulation nails.

Refrigeration and freezing facilities: In low-temperature environments such as cold storage and refrigerated trucks, insulation nails help maintain the integrity of the insulation layer, ensuring effective maintenance of low temperatures and reducing energy consumption.