There are various common types of Insulation Dome Caps to meet different application requirements and installation conditions.

A common type is the standard insulated dome cap. This type usually has a simple circular or elliptical appearance and is suitable for general insulation layer protection needs. Its material may be ordinary plastic or rubber, and the price is relatively affordable. For example, in some ordinary industrial pipeline insulation, standard insulation dome caps can effectively protect the insulation layer from external factors.

Another type is an enhanced insulation dome cap. These types of dome caps are usually made of stronger materials, such as high-strength engineering plastics or alloy materials, and are structurally reinforced to withstand higher pressures and harsher environmental conditions. For example, in areas that require frequent foot traffic or heavy object placement, such as the ground insulation layer in factory workshops, reinforced insulation dome caps can provide more reliable protection.

There is also a waterproof insulation dome cap. It pays special attention to sealing performance and is usually equipped with high-quality waterproof rubber strips or sealing rings, which can effectively prevent moisture infiltration. This type is suitable for places with high waterproof requirements, such as roof insulation layers, basement wall insulation, etc. For example, in building insulation in rainy areas, waterproof insulation dome caps can ensure that the insulation layer is not eroded by rainwater and maintain good insulation effect.


In addition, there is a high-temperature resistant insulation dome cap. This type of dome cap is made of special high-temperature resistant materials, which can work stably for a long time in high-temperature environments and are suitable for insulation of high-temperature pipelines and equipment. For example, in the insulation of steam pipelines in thermal power plants, high-temperature resistant insulation dome caps can withstand the action of high-temperature steam and protect the insulation layer from damage.

Finally, there is also a customized insulated dome cap. Customized production of insulation layers based on specific customer needs and special shapes can perfectly match various irregular shapes and sizes of insulation areas. For example, in some complex industrial equipment or building structures, customized insulated dome caps can provide precise protection and sealing.