Insulated pins play a crucial role in circuits, and their importance cannot be ignored. Firstly, insulated pins effectively isolate the high-voltage parts of the circuit through their excellent insulation performance, preventing safety hazards such as current leakage and short circuits. This isolation effect not only protects other components in the circuit from damage, but also ensures the stable operation of the circuit.


Secondly, insulated pins play a supporting and fixing role in the circuit. It can tightly connect the components in the circuit together, forming a complete circuit system. This connection not only ensures the smooth flow of current in the circuit, but also improves the stability and reliability of the circuit.


Finally, insulated pins also have auxiliary functions such as heat dissipation and corrosion prevention. During long-term operation of electronic devices, insulated pins can effectively dissipate heat from the circuit, preventing equipment from overheating and damage. At the same time, it can also resist external factors such as chemical corrosion and oxidation, ensuring the long-term stable operation of the circuit.