The correct installation of Insulation Pins is crucial for the stability of the insulation system. The following are the main steps and precautions for installation:

Preparation before installation:

Clean the surface of the base layer, remove dust, oil stains, loose materials, etc., to ensure that the base layer is flat, dry, and sturdy.


Determine the installation position of the insulation nails according to the design requirements and mark them.

Prepare the necessary installation tools, such as drills, air guns, hammers, etc., and ensure that the tools are in good condition.

Installation steps:

Use appropriate tools to vertically drive insulation nails into the base layer, with a depth that meets product requirements and design specifications.

Pay attention to controlling the force and speed of penetration to avoid damaging the base layer or deforming the insulation nails.

For large-scale insulation installation, it should be installed in the order from the middle to the surrounding areas to ensure even distribution of insulation nails.

Inspection after installation:

Check whether the insulation nails are firmly fixed on the base layer, and whether they are loose or tilted.

Check whether the quantity and spacing of insulation nails meet the design requirements.

Ensure that the head of the insulation nail is fully embedded in the insulation material, without protruding from the surface and affecting subsequent construction.