Installing Insulation Hangers requires following certain steps to ensure its stability and effectiveness. The following are detailed installation steps:

1. Preparation work: Clean the installation area to ensure a clean and smooth surface. Prepare the necessary tools and materials, such as drilling tools, screwdrivers, insulation tape, etc.

2. Measurement and marking: Based on the thickness and installation spacing of the insulation material, measure and mark the installation position of the Insulation Hangers to ensure their uniform distribution.

3. Drilling and fixing: Drill holes at the marked positions, and the aperture should match the fixing screws of the Insulation Hangers. Secure the Insulation Hangers in the drilling position using screws or rivets to ensure their firmness and reliability.


4. Install insulation material: Place the insulation material on the Insulation Hangers to ensure even adhesion. Adjust the position of the insulation material to fully match the Insulation Hangers.

5. Inspection and adjustment: After installation, check the stability and flatness of the Insulation Hangers and insulation materials. If necessary, make appropriate adjustments and reinforcements to ensure compliance with installation requirements.

6. Sealing and Protection: Use insulation tape or other sealing materials to seal the joints between Insulation Hangers and insulation materials to prevent air infiltration and heat loss.