Electrical insulation tools are important tools used in the power industry to ensure the safety of operators. The following are common electrical insulation tools:

1. Insulated gloves: used to protect the hands of operators from electric shock, usually made of rubber or other insulating materials.

2. Insulated boots: used to protect the feet of operators from electric shock, usually made of rubber or other insulating materials.

3. Insulated pole: Used for operating high-voltage electrical equipment, such as circuit breakers, isolating switches, etc., usually made of fiberglass or other insulating materials.


4. Insulation clamp: used for clamping and operating high-voltage electrical equipment, such as fuses, cables, etc., usually composed of insulation materials and metal components.

5. Insulated ladder: used for high-altitude operations in high-voltage environments, usually made of fiberglass or other insulating materials.

6. Insulation blanket: used to cover and isolate high-voltage electrical equipment, preventing operators from coming into contact with live parts, usually made of rubber or other insulating materials.

7. Insulation tester: used to test the insulation performance of electrical equipment and ensure its safe operation.

8. Insulated glove box: used to store and protect insulated gloves from damage and contamination.

Through these tools, operators can safely perform various electrical operations in high-voltage environments, avoiding electric shock and other safety accidents. When using these tools, operators should strictly follow safety operating procedures, conduct regular inspections and maintenance, and ensure that they are in good condition.