Cylindrical pins: Cylindrical insulated pins are the most common type. It has a simple structure, low manufacturing cost, and is suitable for most scenarios. Cylindrical pins are commonly used to fix and connect electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, etc.

Pin shaped pins: Pin shaped insulated pins are commonly used on high-density packaged circuit boards, such as plug-in connectors. Their characteristics are large contact area, stable connection, and easy insertion and removal operation. Needle pins are very useful in devices that require frequent plugging or upgrading.

Claw shaped pins: Claw shaped pins are used in special electronic devices due to their excellent grip and stability. They are commonly used in power devices such as motors and transformers, which can provide strong mechanical support and help with heat dissipation.

In short, insulated pins are an indispensable component of electronic devices, with a wide variety of types and unique advantages. The correct selection of appropriate insulation pins is crucial for the performance and safety of electronic devices.